Don't live in the gym there are techniques that
you can do at home to increase your overall health and prevent future
injury. Stretching or yoga at home is a wonderful way to decrease
stress and stay healthy. Here are a few good reasons you should opt
for stretching daily.
Stretching, as the name signifies, refers to how
much a muscle can lengthen. As we get older, muscles tend to get
shorter and tighter. Weight lifting helps with muscle hypertrophy and
growth while physical activity improves muscle coordination. Yet
muscle fibers if not stretched can become tight, fibrous and
shortened. Everyday tasks such as tying your shoes or lifting are
much easier when muscle firing patterns are correct and muscle fibers
stay elastic.
2. Pain Relief
Stretching is great for patients who suffer from
back pain and arthritis to reduce irritation and aggravation of the
joints. Chiropractors often suggest stretching the muscles such as
psoas, scalene, levator scapulae, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip and
pelves, etc. in order to provide lower back-pain relief.
3. Improved Posture
Sitting for prolonged periods may lead to postural
deviations and changes than increase pressure on lumbar discs which
can ultimately lead to herniation or bulges. If posture is not
corrected early a chronic condition can form leading to unfortunate
consequences a in the future. Stretching helps add mobility to your
joints thus decreasing wear and tear on ligaments and tendons. Some
specific areas of the body such as neck, chest, lower back and
shoulders are often stretched to address bad posture.
4. Better Blood Circulation
Stretching enables better blood circulation
throughout the body with the joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments
and muscles. This further promotes healing of injured area with more
nutrients from the blood nourishing damaged tissues.
5. Range of Motion
Stretching is the most popular way to help stiff
joints and muscles. More mobility and agility provides an increased
range of motion decreasing chance of injury or muscle tears. Although
these benefits are equally beneficial at any age, they particularly
become more critical as we age. Try a yoga class and ask your
chiropractor or physical therapist which exercises would be the best
for your body and specific condition.
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