Tuesday, February 28, 2017

New ACP's Guidelines For Treating Low Back Pain

The American College of Physicians has issued new guidelines for noninvasive treatment of low back pain, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, on Feb 14, 2017. The guidelines focus on treatment of acute, sub-acute and chronic low back pain through non-drug therapies, including superficial heat, massage, acupuncture and spinal manipulation or chiropractic. Physicians in the past have been known to recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), yet research has shown this to be ineffective for many low back pain sufferers causing prolonged use or leading to many patients seeking other forms of treatments. We can all agree that no one is suffering from back pain due to a lack of Advil of NSAIDs in their bloodstream.

Low back pain is the 2nd most common reason for visits to a physician in the US. Due to prolonged sitting in the workplace and other various factors, cases of low back pain in the United States seem to be growing at a staggering rate. About one-quarter of U.S adults reported symptoms of lower back pain lasting for at least one day in the past three months.

In general, if the pain lasts for less than four weeks is is termed acute, while it's deemed as sub-acute if it lasts for four to twelve weeks. Chronic lower back pain typically last for more than twelve weeks. 

“For treating chronic conditions of lower back pain, physicians should recommend therapies having lower potential threats and cheaper costs." "Doctors should rigorously avoid prescribing costly therapies, particularly those with substantial harms, such as opioids (as they may cause addiction and accidental overdose) and pharmacologic therapies that weren't really found to be effective,” writes Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA and ACP guidelines committee's chairman.

ACP reviewed randomized controlled tests and systematic reviews of studies demonstrating the potency of non-invasive, non-drug and drug therapies for low back pain to generate these guidelines. The research from ACP supports non-drug based techniques ranging from tai chi for chronic back pain sufferers to acupuncture and oriental medicine for acute lower back pain cases.

The evidence clearly discourages the use of acetaminophen (also known as Tylenol) as it is found to be ineffective in correcting the cause of pain and is the #1 cause of preventable liver failure in the United States. In addition, the guidelines recommend not to use opioids as they come with substantial harm, are addictive and may create further risks of accidental overdose. 

ACP strongly recommends following the below mentioned guidelines -

1. Physicians shouldn't prescribe costly treatments and tests to their patients. First-line therapy should include non-drug therapy such as superficial heat, massage, acupuncture, and spinal manipulation or chiropractic. In cases where the pain is affecting the patient's quality of life or activities of daily living NSAIDs or muscle relaxants can be suggested to the patient for short-term use.

2. Physicians should recommend patients suffering from chronic back pain to opt for physical therapy, exercise, acupuncture, multidisciplinary rehabilitation, tai chi, yoga, motor control exercise (MCE), progressive relaxation, electromyography biofeedback, low-level laser therapy, operant therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, spinal manipulation or chiropractic.

3. Consider NSAIDs only if non-drug therapy fails to show any positive outcomes. Consider tramadol or duloxetine as secondary treatments when other treatments render sub-optimal results. Cases that couldn't be treated using first and secondary therapies and wherein risks outweigh the benefits, the use of opioids can be considered, however, this must be the last option to treating back pain cases.

Monday, February 27, 2017

How Can Stretching Help Your Body Stay Healthy ?

Don't live in the gym there are techniques that you can do at home to increase your overall health and prevent future injury. Stretching or yoga at home is a wonderful way to decrease stress and stay healthy. Here are a few good reasons you should opt for stretching daily. 

1. Flexibility

Stretching, as the name signifies, refers to how much a muscle can lengthen. As we get older, muscles tend to get shorter and tighter. Weight lifting helps with muscle hypertrophy and growth while physical activity improves muscle coordination. Yet muscle fibers if not stretched can become tight, fibrous and shortened. Everyday tasks such as tying your shoes or lifting are much easier when muscle firing patterns are correct and muscle fibers stay elastic.

2. Pain Relief

Stretching is great for patients who suffer from back pain and arthritis to reduce irritation and aggravation of the joints. Chiropractors often suggest stretching the muscles such as psoas, scalene, levator scapulae, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip and pelves, etc. in order to provide lower back-pain relief.

3. Improved Posture

Sitting for prolonged periods may lead to postural deviations and changes than increase pressure on lumbar discs which can ultimately lead to herniation or bulges. If posture is not corrected early a chronic condition can form leading to unfortunate consequences a in the future. Stretching helps add mobility to your joints thus decreasing wear and tear on ligaments and tendons. Some specific areas of the body such as neck, chest, lower back and shoulders are often stretched to address bad posture.

4. Better Blood Circulation

Stretching enables better blood circulation throughout the body with the joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and muscles. This further promotes healing of injured area with more nutrients from the blood nourishing damaged tissues.

5. Range of Motion

Stretching is the most popular way to help stiff joints and muscles. More mobility and agility provides an increased range of motion decreasing chance of injury or muscle tears. Although these benefits are equally beneficial at any age, they particularly become more critical as we age. Try a yoga class and ask your chiropractor or physical therapist which exercises would be the best for your body and specific condition.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Acupuncture and Lower Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common problems that people generally face on account of long-term sitting or frequent bending of the spine to pull heavy loads. Many people got frustrated and discouraged in the past seeking treatment for their lower back pain because symptoms can persist even after prolonged medication.

Acupuncture offers an alternative way to successfully heal problems of lower back pain and is often recommended to patients by their medical doctor or doctor of chiropractic.

Causes of Back Pain
Thousands of people every year suffer lower back pain. It is considered as the second most common reason people in the US go to see a doctor. Low back pain generally affects the spine's flexibility, strength and stability, which may become a reason for your back-pain, stiffness and discomfort.

There are several reasons behind why people suffer from back pain. Let's read a few of them.

  • Growing older – Back pain can start at any age. Symptoms may worsen from 40 to 50 years-age.
  • Physical activity– Physical activities such as pulling, bending, reaching or sitting in a bad position can lead to worsening of symptoms.
  • Overweight – Being overweight is a common causes of back and disc problems.
  • Chronic illness – A chronic illness such as arthritis, or cancer can also be a cause of the problem.
  • Muscle imbalances or weaknesses are responsible for numerous cases of back pain. Sitting or standing for long hours can increase these imbalances causing increased pain.

Acupuncture as a treatment for back pain

Acupuncture began in China nearly 2,500 years ago. Traditional Chinese medicine states that there are around 2,000 points in a human body which are connected by pathways or meridians, responsible for creating the flow of energy, also known as Qi (or Chee). Stimulating these points through inserting thin needles helps balance Qi and improve the flow of energy. Acupuncturist restore a constant flow of energy throughout the body relieving long term pain and improving overall health.

Acupuncture works by -

1. Balancing signaling and energy flow of the nervous system
2. Allowing transmission of pain-killing chemicals such as endorphins.
3. Speeding the release of natural opioids (chemicals in the brain that are believed to promote pain relief and sleep).
4. Improving the brain chemistry by transforming the release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones.

If you have back pain and need treatment, doctors at South OC Chiropractic can help. Call + 1 (949) 470-4757 to get in touch and start receiving the care that you need to heal your back pain.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Chiropractic Is Modern Day Healthcare

Chiropractic is the combination of science and art focusing on healing the body from the inside out. Chiropractic restores the natural healing abilities of the body by focusing on the nervous system which controls every aspect and function in our body. In a society where our current medical care system focuses on the symptomatology of illness rather than addressing the underlying cause of the problem many patients are confused as to which type of treatment will lead to the greatest long term results for their condition. Prescription medications focus on healing the body from the outside in, leaving the underlying cause of the problem remaining because only symptoms were addressed. There are zero people in the world who suffer from headaches due to a lack of Advil in their blood stream, yet people continue to medicate the symptoms without ever understanding why the problem exists. Thus, many times medications provide a short term solution but that can come riddled with side effects and leave a long-term problem to get worse. Doctors of Chiropractic analyze and test for the underlying cause of disease or ailments and use gentle chiropractic adjustments and proper nutrition to achieve the best results possible. In fact, certain techniques of chiropractic care such as bone setting and spinal manipulation have long been used since ancient Egypt. In our modern day healthcare system chiropractic has emerged to be the #1 used complimentary and alternative medicine in America.   

Since 1895 chiropractic care has been used to detect and correct subluxations helping patients with everything from back pain to hearing loss. In todays healthcare system chiropractic treatments helps migraines, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, herniated or bulging discs and numerous other ailments. At South Orange County Chiropractic we also have a doctor of physical therapy and acupuncture with many massage therapists on staff to provide patients with the best treatment possible allowing them to achieve their healthiest body in an all natural way.    

Who is recommended for treatment?

Chiropractic treatment is not only a great way to relieve symptoms of pain and immobility after injury but it is also the perfect addition to your healthcare routine to ensure proper functioning of your nervous system. Treatment can be offered to anyone from infants to adults. In fact majority of Americans can benefit from visiting a chiropractor to have their spine checked for subluxations or spinal misalignments. Chiropractors are trained to analyze and detect these misalignments of a person's joints and by adjusting them back into place it restores structural integrity and proper function to prevent future problems or arthritis.     

What do chiropractors look for?   

Doctors of Chiropractic are licensed healthcare professionals specialized in providing care for problems related to your spine and nervous system. They locate bio-mechanical pathologies causing neurological compromise, also known as subluxations, which cause decreased neurological signaling between your brain and the rest of your body. These dysfunctions or subluxations are often caused due to poor posture, stress, chemical imbalances, trauma such as a car accident or poor lifestyle choices. In a modern world there are numerous causes of subluxations and chiropractors are the only healthcare professional trained to properly analyze and correct this problem.

How can a chiropractor help?   

Patients undergoing chiropractic care can have the following benefits -   

Improved mobility of joints
Improved posture
Fewer injuries
Less pain
Elimination of Sciatica
Improved balance
Decreased numbness and tingling
Improved athletic performance
Fewer migraines
Decreased Scoliosis
Less Arthritis pain, etc.

Is Chiropractic care equally beneficial for kids?

Yes, kids can be equally benefitted from chiropractic care. In fact, many problems adults face can be prevented if detected early enough. Many spinal problems start young and can grow over time. Thus, getting your kids checked by a chiropractor can help keep them healthy throughout all stages of their growth and development. 

Parents often notice the following benefits after seeking chiropractic care for their kids:

Increased athletic performance
Decreased chance of injury
Improved bed wetting
Stronger immune system
Improved digestion
Decreased ADHD symptoms
Improved skin conditions
Fewer ear infections, etc. 


Chiropractic is a gentle and effective way to heal numerous problems of the human body naturally. This in many cases makes it a superior option over other healthcare modalities available that can put dangerous chemicals into the body not always providing optimal results. If you are looking for a treatment that is effective, natural and affordable Chiropractic care is the best option for you. Call 949-470-4757 for more information.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Causes of Neck Pain and How To Get Rid of It

Neck pain can range from bothersome and annoying to outright debilitating. It can generally happen due to poor posture, repetitive movement, accidents, slip and fall, or degeneration of the spine. Our neck, also known as cervical spine, begins at the base of the skull and is comprised of seven small vertebrae that protect the delicate structures of your spinal cord and nervous system. The cervical spine is one of the most flexible components of your body, which makes it highly susceptible to injuries because it lacks stability which can make it vulnerable to trauma. Let's take a look at some of the common causes of neck pain.

1. Accidents Accidents are one of the most common causes of neck pain. The head can move suddenly in one direction and then “rebound” in the other direction as in car accidents which can cause inflammation and injury to the tissues. The sudden movement of the head injures the supporting tissues of the neck and head such as the discs, ligaments, muscles and intervertebral discs may get injured. If pain travels down into the shoulders or arms it might be radicular pain which can be caused by a disc bulge or herniation which may require MRI for further evaluation of the pathology associated with the injury.

2. Osteoarthritis – Osteoarthritis is a harmful condition which causes progressive impairment of cartilage. The body starts to form bone spurs that further destabilize the joint motion causing pain and inflammation from normally activities of daily living. Arthritis is a progressive condition which is why proper treatment and preventative techniques are essential to maintaining proper joint health and stability.

3. Subluxation– Your nervous system controls every aspect of your body. It is like the master computer system that controls every aspect from your sleep cycle to digestion. Your spine protects the delicate nerves that send signals to and from the brain. Thus when a subluxation occurs, which is a misalignment of the spine with neurological and bio-mechanical compromise, it can cause symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, etc. because the misalignment can cause abnormal irritation and inflammation of the nerves and joints of the spine. Chiropractors are your best option to address subluxations because they can detect and correct these spinal misalignment by analyzing the spine through palpation or X-ray making sure to correct these problems preventing further injury to the joint and tissues.

4. Spinal stenosis – Spinal stenosis is the abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal that restricts the spinal canal, resulting in a neurological deficit. A person undergoing this condition may suffer numbness, pain and paraesthesia (an abnormal sensation such as tickling, tingling, numbness or burning of a person's skin with no apparent cause). If spinal stenosis becomes severe enough it may require surgery. This is why early symptoms of stenosis should be addressed with chiropractic, physical therapy, massage and proper medical intervention to avoid worsening of the symptoms.

5. Posture– Sitting for prolonged hours in the same position, weak core or abdominal muscles can also affect your neck. Poor posture generally leads to chronic neck pain with symptoms extending to other areas of the body such as the top of the shoulders or mid-back. New research has also come out which has called, "Sitting is the new smoking." What is meant by this term is that sitting has now become the number 1 cause of preventable illness in the US. This used to be smoking but due to a more sedentary lifestyle we are seeing sitting lead to problems such as obesity, diabetes, neck and back pain, hypertension, headaches, etc all because the body is not built to sit for prolonged periods such as many of your occupations require. The most startling finding from this research is that going to the gym or exercising after work does not completely reverse the negative effects of prolonged sitting. It is still beneficial to exercise frequently but prolonged sitting can cause irreversible damage to your health. This is why we have seen such an increase standing desks which are much more affordable and recommended by many chiropractors around the nation.

How to treat chronic conditions of neck pain?

Considering mediations and injections only mask the pain leaving the cause to return and possibly worsen overtime the best option is to address the root cause of the problem. The best 3 options for this are:
  1. Physical Therapy
  2. Massage

A chiropractor can adjust the spine depending upon your condition to align the joints of the spine reducing irritation and inflammation to the tissues. A neck adjustment (also called cervical manipulation) is a gentle procedure of realigning the spine to reduce neurological irritation. This can be done by hand or machine such as the activator. The procedure improves the mobility of the joints, reduces pain and soreness and helps increase the movement of adjoining muscles.

Physical therapy can provide specific exercises or stretches to correct muscle imbalances or corrupted muscle firing patterns helping to prevent future flare-ups and problems.

Massage can help to decrease muscle pain and stiffness allowing increased blood flow for healing and mobility to make patients feel more relaxed and get back to living life pain free.

Acupuncture can restore proper neurological function and energy or "Chi" to help reduce pain and restore function. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been around for over 3000 years helping people with all types of conditions ranging from fertility treatments to back pain.

Typically at South Orange County Chiropractic your treatment will consist of a custom tailored program consisting of these 4 treatments to get you feeling your best and back to living life free to pain.

Patients who utilize these treatments have noticed significant improvements in their pain but also in their overall quality of life. The complete rehabilitation treatment plan may comprise of a combination of several techniques such as physical therapy, massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care because everyone is different which is why your doctor will evaluate your condition to determine the best custom treatment protocols for your problem. For more info, feel free to call us at + 1 (949) 470-4757

Monday, February 13, 2017

How Can a Physical Therapist Help In Correcting Posture and Back Pain Relief?

Physical therapy helps patients recover from the symptoms of back pain, neck pain and other injuries quicker by working on muscle and joint imbalances to restore normal function and prevent future injury. It's often recommended to the patients of neck and back pain to get rid of problems associated with joint tendons, muscles and ligaments. Many physical therapists also work with medical doctors, chiropractors, massage therapist and acupuncturists in unison to ensure patient's heal as fast as possible. This unique approach is what leads to the best results possible in the shortest amount of time and it is the protocol we use at South OCChiropractic.

What causes back pain in your day-to-day life?

While there are numerous causes of back pain, one main reason for your back pain in general is sitting for long hours on the job. Decreased core and abdominal muscle tone during prolonged sitting increases spinal flexion and axial pressure on the disc which causes increased load and creep on the disc causing desiccation and thinning overtime. Often this leads to progressive spinal problems. Excess force on the spine can become a common reason for your neck/back pain, ultimately leading to a chronic condition if left untreated. Here are a few harmful conditions that one may undergo due to affected posture.

There are essentially two types of physical therapy that a doctor of physical therapy would recommend for you depending on the extent of degeneration and your specific condition.

1. Passive Physical Therapy - This may include activities such as heat application, ice packs and electrical stimulation. For instance, a heating pad may be applied to warm up the muscles to reduce pain and increase blood flow. An ice pack or electrical muscle stimulation can be used to soothe the muscles and soft tissues decreasing inflammation and pain. Passive therapies are normally used at first until pain levels are reduced then patients are moved to active care protocols because most research shows that the best long-term results are achieved through active physical therapy protocols.

2. Active Physical Therapy – It consists of exercising and stretching and is often recommended to patient suffering from low back pain, migraines, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, etc.

A physical therapist can help heal even the worst conditions of neck/back pain through various stretching exercises and addressing muscle imbalances that can lead to overuse injuries or tendonitis. Patients who suffer from long term neck or back injuries should go for physical therapy treatment combined with chiropractic care to obtain the best long term results for their condition. Call 949-470-4757 for more information on how South OC Chiropractic can help.

Monday, February 6, 2017

South Orange County Chiropractic, Nominated For the Best Chiropractor In Orange County In the OC HOT LIST, 2016

Located in the city of Lake forest, OC, California, South OC Chiropractic has served the county for several years with the best-in-class chiropractic care. On 2016 OC HOT LIST, it has been honored with a prestigious award for being the best chiropractor in the Orange County offering 5 star chiropractic care, massage, acupuncture and physical therapy to its residents.

The city's topmost chiropractors were nominated for this award among which South OC Chiropractic stood high above in the list, receiving maximum votes and acknowledgement from people who became a part of this event.

Have a look at this - 

Over the course of several years, hundreds of Orange County residents have recognized South OC Chiropractic as one of the best healers to countless problems associated with back pain, neck pain, stress management and the others.

Let's dig deep and understand how does a chiropractic treatment work.

A chiropractic treatment involves a skillful use of hands for treating painful conditions associated with your back/spine, neck, and the other parts of your body. It works on the fundamentals that proper alignment of the body's musculoskeletal structure will help you heal over your problems associated with backbone and joint pain. A chiropractor uses hands-on spinal manipulation and other techniques to restore the mobility of joints that became stiff on account of a tissue injury caused by repetitive stress, a dreadful event, or long hours sitting on the job.

The treatment is found to be extremely helpful in joint-pain relief, muscle soreness, and managing connective tissue, such as ligaments, cartilage and tendons.

This is what comes straight from people who count on South Orange County Chiropractic for their health problems, and have received treatment under Dr. Micah Hamilton. 

If you have been suffering from back pain and need a treatment, feel free to call at + 1 (949) 470-4757 to receive the care that you deserve. When your spine is out of whack we've got your back.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Acupuncture for Fertility: Increase your chance of conception

Acupuncture can increase fertility by managing and reducing stress, increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs, like the ovaries and the uterus, and balancing the various hormones in your body and creating a stronger chance to carry to term. Acupuncture is not just to get pregnant, it’s to stay pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.

Stress plays a big role in fertility, and stress increases hormone cortisol in the body, which alters the brain’s neurochemical balance. It there by changes the hormone levels and disrupt the pituitary balance, that is key to reproductive cycle. There needs to be a balance between the hypothalamus, pituitary, and the reproductive glands. Stress can prevent a woman from ovulating entirely. Stress can also create spasms in both the fallopian tubes and the uterus, which can interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg. In men, stress can alter sperm counts and motility. Acupuncture counters the stress hormone cortisol by releasing endorphins in the body. Additionally, acupuncture can increase blood flow to the endometrium to facilitate thickening and enriching the lining thereby encouraging pregnancy.

Acupuncture consists of gentle insertion of thin sterile needles at specific points on the body that connect with pathways or channels. Energy or qi flows through these channels that connect between the surface of the body and the internal organs. The qi/energy regulates emotional, mental, and physical balance in the body. When the flow of qi/energy is disrupted through poor health habits or other circumstances, pain or disease can result. Acupuncture helps to normalize or optimize the flow of qi/energy that results in increasing a couple’s chance of conceiving.

Acupuncture is recommended a few months before in vitro fertilization (IVF) or donor-egg transfer. The chance of conception increases with combination therapy of both western and eastern medicine. Acupuncture is a healthy way to prep your body for increased chance of conception. Acupuncture can also help with morning sickness, nausea, aches and pain, anxiety, and insomnia. Infertility treatment through acupuncture has few or no side effects while performing the same function as drugs in stimulating the hypothalamus to effectively balance the hormones in the body. This treats the root cause of infertility in creating an optimal and healthy environment. Treatments usually last about 30 minutes, and it is recommended 2 times per week.