Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lose weight by drinking water

With the epidemic of obesity sweeping the nation Americans are looking for safe and effective ways to lose weight without countless hours of being in the gym or the dangerous side effects of diet pills.
The good news is that drinking two glasses of water before each meal can be a very effective way for people to shed those unwanted pounds with minimal effort, because there are many cases where people overeat not because they are hungry but because they are thirsty. The hunger mechanism in the body is controlled by hormones. The problem with hormones controlling this mechanism is that their effects are not instantaneous. Many of you can recall a Thanksgiving day meal when you are eating your second serving of turkey and mashed potatoes when all of a sudden you felt like you were so full that you were going to burst. The reason for this is because you may have been full 30 minutes ago but it took time for those hormones to send signals to your brain letting you know that you are full.
The feelings of hunger and thirst come from the basic needs center of our brain located in the thalamus. Certain studies have shown that water preloading before a meal can decrease the amount of calories consumed during a meal and increase satiety (feeling of being full) after a meal. Considering these hunger or thirst cravings in the body are derived by similar mechanisms in the brain it has been hypothesized that many people mistake thirst for hunger and if the hydration needs of the body are not met then the individual is more likely to consume a larger amount of calories during a meal. The following are conclusions derived from some of these studies:
Thirty minutes before the meal, subjects were given either a 500-mL water preload or no preload. Energy intake at each meal was covertly measured. Meal energy intake was significantly less in the water preload condition as compared with the no-preload condition (500+/-32 vs 574+/-38, respectively; P=0.004), representing an approximate 13% reduction in meal energy intake (consumption of calories). The percentage reduction in meal energy intake following the water preload was not related to sex, age, body mass index, or habitual daily water consumption (all P>0.05). Given the high prevalence of overweight and obesity among older adults, future studies should determine whether premeal water consumption is an effective long-term weight control strategy for older adults.(1)
Meal energy intake after the water preload (WP) was significantly reduced relative to the non-preload (NP) condition in the older subjects (682 + 53 vs. 624 +/- 56 kcal for NP and WP, respectively; p = 0.02). This effect was caused primarily by the reduction in meal energy intake after water consumption in older men. Hunger ratings were lower and fullness ratings were higher in older compared with younger adults (p < 0.01). Fullness ratings were higher in the WP condition compared with the NP condition for all subjects (p = 0.01). No age differences in thirst were detected during the test meals. DISCUSSION: Under acute test meal conditions, pre-meal water consumption reduces meal energy intake in older but not younger adults. Because older adults are at increased risk for overweight and obesity, intervention studies are needed to determine whether pre-meal water consumption is an effective long-term weight management strategy for the aging population. (2)
With Americans drinking less water and more sugary and caffeinated beverages it is absolutely essential that we drink an adequate amount of water to help keep us hydrated and allow our body to eliminate toxins. If you are wondering how much water you should be drinking visit this website and click the nutrition tab and go to water to find out how much water you need to consume a day to stay properly hydrated. You may be surprised to find out how much water you should be drinking.
1)Davy BM, Dennis EA, Dengo AL, Wilson KL, Davy KP. “Water consumption reduces energy intake at a breakfast meal in obese older adults.”J Am Diet Assoc. 2008 Jul;108(7):1236-9.
2)Van Walleghen EL, Orr JS, Gentile CL, Davy BM. “Pre-meal water consumption reduces meal energy intake in older but not younger subjects.”Obesity (Silver Spring). 2007 Jan;15(1):93-9.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners

Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners

With the current epidemic of Obesity sweeping the nation many people are looking for ways to cut calories while not having to sacrifice on taste. With the discovery of artificial sweetners many thought that their prayers were solved, yet after several years of researching these artificial compounds leaves many skeptical. The use of artificial sweeteners remains controversial. A study from the University of Texas showed that people who drank diet soda with aspartame (known as sweet and low) or suralose (known as splenda) in it retained more weight than those who drank regular soda. This didn't seem to make sense at first because how does someone keep weight on when there are no calories in the substance. Researchers found that people who drank aspartame crave sweeter foods due to their use of aspartame and they think that since their drink has no calories in it then they can eat more calories elsewhere. "Recent reports of selected (artificial) sweeteners suggest they are not efficacious in weight loss and may promote weight gain." (Swithers & Davidson, 2008)
Not only may the consumption of aspartame not help with weight loss but it may also be dangerous. Consumption has been shown to cause mild to serious side effects ranging from nuisance headaches to potentially life-threatening cancer.
“Research from Soffritti et al. (2007) provides evidence of the carcinogenic potential of this compound. Their research, using Sprague Dawley fetal rats, has demonstrated a significant increase of malignant tumors in males, an increase in the incidence of lymphomas and leukemias in males and females, and an increase in the incidence of mammary cancer in females. These results reinforce and confirm previous research that also demonstrated the carcinogenicity potential of aspartame and the increased carcinogenetic potential if exposure occurs during gestation. It is notable that the dosage tested approximated the ADI for humans. In other published reports, Blumenthal (1997) reported three case studies wherein women ages 40, 32, and 26 all experienced migraines while chewing a popular gum with aspartame additive. In all cases, the migraines were relieved after cessation of product use. The headaches were reproducible by reintroducing the gum. Additionally, a case report in 2007 revealed four individuals with thrombocytopenia attributed to products containing aspartame (Roberts, 2007). This conclusion was based on recurrence of blood dyscrasia on two or more occasions after rechallenge, and the absence of any other definable factors. One of the reports was of a 10-year-old girl who developed a decline in platelet count to 1,000 cu/mm, coupled with enlargement of the liver and spleen, and a marked increase in histiocytes in the bone marrow. A dramatic clinical and hematological normalization followed when additives were eliminated from her diet. Similar recurrences were documented twice after ingesting aspartame. Remissions were maintained when the client abstained from aspartame products.” (Whitehouse, (2008))
Considering artificial sweeteners have not been around for long term study we still do not know if artificial sweetener consumption is quantitative, meaning that dangers increase over time with long term use. When looking to stay healthy or lose weight it is always better to stick with a healthy lifestyle, whole food diet and exercise rather than looking for a magic substance like artificial sweeteners to give you your sugar kick without the calories. If you still insist on using an artificial sweetener i would recommend using Stevia because it is a naturally occurring artificial sweeteners, yet due to the fact that this substance has only been available to the general public for the past several years there still remain many questions in regards to its long term use and side effects.
Whitehouse CRBoullata JMcCauley LA.(2008) The potential toxicity of artificial sweeteners, AAOHN J.;56(6):251-9; quiz 260-1
Swithers, S. E., & Davidson, T. L. (2008). A role for sweet taste: Calorie
predictive relations in energy regulation by rats. Behavioral Neuroscience,
122 (1), 161-173.
Soffritti, M., Belpoggi, F., Tibaldi, E., Esposti, D. D., & Lauriola, M.
(2007). Lifespan exposure to low doses of aspartame beginning
during prenatal life increases cancer effects in rats. Environmental
Health Perspectives. 115 (9), 1293-1297.
Roberts, H. J. (2007). Aspartame-induced thrombocytopenia. Southern
Medical Journal, 100 (5), 543.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nutritional treatment for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Treatment

Millions of Americans suffer from a chronic condition known as Fibromyalgia which causes constant pain and severely decreases an individuals quality of life. This condition is 9 times more common among middle ages women aged 30-50 than in men.  Fibromyalgia is defined as, "a common clinical syndrome of generalized musculoskeletal pain, stiffness and chronic aching, characterized by reproducible tenderness on palpation of specific anatomical sites, called tender points."
The healthcare community has much debate over the cause of Fibromyalgia and in some circles of the healthcare community there is a debate as to whether or not this disease really exists of if it is a psychogenic disease. The best proposed etiology for fibromyalgia  to date is chronic hypoxia of the tissues.
The good news is that there has been much research on the topic and even though there is no consensus on what causes fibromyalgia there are a number of safe effective ways to treat it. One such therapy involves a cutting edge nutritional therapy. Many of us have gone to the gym and the next day we are very sore due to a build up of lactic acid in our muscles from the workout. What if your body built up large amounts of lactic acid without exercise due to a nutritional deficiency? This is what recent research has tested to see if fibromyalgia patients are nutritionally deficient casing their bodies to consistently produce large amounts of lactic acid causing them constant pain and discomfort. 
When the body has enough oxygen it  uses aerobic glycolysis to produce ATP for energy. When the body doesn't have oxygen it switches to anaerobic glycolysis with the end product of anaerobic glycolysis being lactic acid. Adequate oxygen supply enhances ATP yields 18-19 times which means that if the body is using anaerobic glycolysis for majority of its energy production this system will become hyperactive leading to a large build up of lactic acid.
ATP production is controlled by the vitamins thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), and pyridoxine (B6) because they are essential for the electron transport system, and all three vitamins require magnesium to become biologically active. During anaerobic glycolysis, from glucose to acetyl-Co A, there are eleven distinct steps; nine of the eleven [82 percent] steps require magnesium, also the Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle) has nine steps, and three of them require magnesium. Thus, Magnesium deficiency can cause severe problems with energy production in the body leading to symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
To make matters a little more complicated aluminum in the body has a high affinity for phosphate which is necessary to convert the inactive ADP molecule to an energy producing ATP molecule. To help address the problem with aluminum effecting energy production the reserachers used Malic acid which is one of the most potent chelators of aluminum allowing the body to rid itself of excessive aluminum causing an increase in ATP production.
Research in the Journal of Nutritional Medicine showed that patients who supplemented with a daily dose of 300-600mg of magnesium plus 1200-2400 mg of malic acid ALL reported significant subjective improvements of pain within just 48 hours of starting the nutritional therapy. The fibromyalgia tender point scores were reduced by 60 percent at 4 weeks and 66 percent at 8 weeks.
This is amazing news for people who suffer from Fibromyalgia because they no longer must be slaves to fibromyalgia drugs that have dreadful side effects ranging from aggravation of their condition to suicide. 
The body has an amazing ability to heal itself, it just needs the right balance of nutrients and an environment conducive to healing. Many times we are told by drug companies that health comes from the outside in, but years of research all show that health comes from the inside out and we must take care of our bodies if we want them to function at an optimal level for years to come.
This Article was written by Dr Micah Hamilton a Lake Forest Chiropractor practicing at South Orange County Chiropractic. Dr. Hamilton has experience dealing with fibromyalgia cases where many other physicians have failed. If you would like to talk with Dr Hamilton about recent breakthroughs in healthcare feel free to contact him at (949)470-4757.
All information in this article is meant for educational purposes only. A licensed healthcare physician should always be consulted before attempting any of the aforementioned therapies. 
"Management of Fibromyalgia: Rationale for the Use of Magnesium and Malic Acid" by Guy E. Abraham, M.D., and Jorge D. Flechas, M.D., M.P.H.Journal of Nutritional Medicine No. 3, 1992, pp. 49-59.